Kogan Group introduces F.A.S.T. -- Financial Analytic Software Tools. This application is amazingly easy to use and provides intuitive results to assist investors and their advisors to assess and improve their investment portfolios. F.A.S.T. can be delivered as a desktop or web-enabled Java application. The initial offerings include: Portfolio Analyzer -- Automatically decomposes an investment portfolio of publicly traded securities into its Asset Class, Investment Style and Industry Sector components using sophisticated return-based style analysis. With the touch of one button, the user can compare the portfolio to a number of publicly available investment indices or custom-made model portfolios. Gap Analysis Tool -- Automatically displays what categories of investment might be considered to bring the underlying portfolio into synch with the chosen comparison benchmark. Hypothetical Illustration Software -- Compares the relative performance of alternative investments had they been made at some pre-determined time in the past. Allows consideration of lump sum or regular investment contribution as well as multiple rebalancing algorithms. You may download a PowerPoint presentation describing the products and features of F.A.S.T. once you contact Kogan Group for access information. This presentation, walking you through the actual application suite, should take about 15 minutes to review. Once you have reviewed the presentation, we encourage you to discuss your financial analytics needs with Kogan Group, after which we can provide you a demonstration version of the F.A.S.T. application. |